Alcohol Abuse: Drug & Alcohol Abuse Discussed at BOE Meeting –

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Discussed at BOE Meeting –
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Drug & Alcohol Abuse Discussed at BOE Meeting
At ?Wednesday?'s Lindenhurst Board of Education community forum meeting, the spotlight was turned on a topic many parents and students agreed was a larger problem in the Lindenhurst School District and the community as a whole: drugs and alcohol.



Troy Lynds Jr

Troy talking to his daughter Julia about how disrespectful she is to her step-mother Kiley. Explaining to Julia that she’s never going back to Texas, and that her behavior is not acceptable. Julia is trying to convince Troy that she’s going to be good, but Troy knows he’s heard this many times, and she’s good for a little bit, but then she acts like “a crazy kid” (julias words) again. Troy is reminding Julia why CPS took her away from her mother, because of the drug and alcohol abuse, and it’s clear Julia was never raised with any rules or authority, and it’s extremely hard for her to adjust to a normal life.


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