Unlicensed Driver Caught Drink Driving Twice in One Night

Help Alcoholic Stop Drinking in the News

Unlicensed driver caught drink driving twice in one night
Filed under: help alcoholic stop drinking

Unlicensed driver caught drink driving twice in one night. by: Phil Hickey; From: PerthNow; January 15, 2013 8:18AM … Police say that about 6pm, officers stopped the 37-year-old man in his Ford Laser on the Bussell Highway in West Busselton where he …


Mum drives kids while intoxicated
Filed under: help alcoholic stop drinking

Police prosecutor Sergeant Mark Harris told the Blenheim District Court yesterday when police stopped Jenna Mary Roderick on Waikawa Rd on November 9 she admitted drinking alcohol and told officers she had to leave her house to go to a mate's and …


Where can you go to avoid people drinking?
Filed under: help alcoholic stop drinking

Many people are attempting to stop drinking during January. But with … "Britain is one of the hardest countries in the world not to drink," says Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's director of communications at Downing Street, and a former alcoholic. "In …


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