Maryland Lawmaker Claims Marriage Votes Spurred Alcohol Abuse – LGBTQ Nation

Maryland lawmaker claims marriage votes spurred alcohol abuse – LGBTQ Nation
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

LGBTQ Nation

Maryland lawmaker claims marriage votes spurred alcohol abuse
LGBTQ Nation
A Maryland lawmaker told a local newspaper last week that legislators who voted for the state's same-sex marriage bill contributed to his alcohol abuse. Delegate Don Dwyer (R-Anne Arundel County) told the Maryland Gazette in an interview the newspaper

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Scornaienchi re-eclected chairwoman of Howard Co. Alcohol and Drug Abuse … – Daily Record (subscription)
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Daily Record (subscription)

Scornaienchi re-eclected chairwoman of Howard Co. Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Daily Record (subscription)
Joan Webb Scornaienchi, executive director of HC DrugFree, has been re-elected to a third term as the chair of the Howard County Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Board, which reviews services and the need for services relating to alcohol and drug abuse



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