My Brother Is on Antibuse Tabs. I Got Meds Mixed Up and Took a 10mg Tab 2 Days Ago. How Long Before It Clears?

Question by adrian m: My brother is on antibuse tabs. I got meds mixed up and took a 10mg tab 2 days ago. How long before it clears?
the bottle is the same and same size tabs as my brother. I’v reflux and i accidentaly took one of his tabs. It was only 10 mg since he’s just on a maintenance does. I took it two days ago. How long before this one does of 10 mg clears my system?

Best answer:

Answer by Sar
“Disulfiram (antabuse) is absorbed slowly from the gastrointestinal tract and is eliminated slowly from the body. One (or even 2) weeks after a patient has taken his last dose of disulfiram, ingestion of alcohol may produce unpleasant symptoms.”

Might be good to wait a few days before having any alcohol

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