Q&A: Once an Alcoholic Always an Alcoholic?

Question by sweetheart31: once an alcoholic always an alcoholic?
Do you believe that once a person is addicted to alcohol they can never drink again? My boyfriend and I disagree on this issue. I admit that I have been drinking WAY too much to deal with some very bad things going on in my life and have done some bad things while I was drunk so obviously I need to stop drinking FOR NOW….

but I have never had a problem with alcohol before. I enjoy having a pina colada (one) on the beach. I like to have a couple of drinks on New Years. I enjoy having one drink when I go out to dinner sometimes. If I could control it before, then I feel like I can control it again, once things calm down.

The problem is I dont think I can go to AA and get the “treatment” that my boyfriend wants me to get if I have to say that I’ll NEVER drink again. I can say that I wont drink more than two. I can say that I will never drink when extremely upset again like I have been doing, but I don’t think I’m ready to say I’ll never drink again.

We have New Years Eve coming up and I know I’m going to want a couple of drinks and he’s going to be very upset if I do so what would you do?

Best answer:

Answer by Alison
If you are an alcoholic then you have a disease and diseases need treatment. Everyone goes through this phase where they think they can control how much they drink, but if you have the disease you can’t.

Only YOU can decide if you are ready for treatment. There’s nothing wrong with not drinking. If you experience peer pressure from “friends” then they are some really bad friends.

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