The Classic Alcohol Problems

The Classic Alcohol Problems

You probably know about alcohol problems. You also know of someone who can’t control his drinking addiction which even though he has tried countless times. Many people in this situation are able to give up drinking by controlling their urges although it isn’t easy to do.

Let’s look at classic alcohol problems. First of all, the drinking passes the social drinking stage. It is no longer done to have fun or for social reasons. Instead, the person drinks to escape stress from work, to overcome inhibitions, overcome relationship problems or just deal with life in general. The alcoholic grows to depend upon the feeling he gets from drinking. He develops a tolerance for alcohol and gradually requires larger quantities to reach the same feeling he has become dependent upon.

One of the classic alcohol problems is that the person does not realize he has a problem thus he is in a denial. He drinks frequently, drinks large amounts of alcohol, has developed a tolerance to large amounts of alcohol, boasts about his ability to handle drinking and undergoes behavioral changes like irritability when he cannot get a drink. The alcoholic usually continues to deny that he has problem even after physical alcohol problems have developed like hand tremors, hangovers, blackouts, vomiting, and upset stomach. At this point, he is likely experiencing all kinds of problems in his life like trouble with his marriage, problems at work, financial difficulties, and health issues.

Things he used to care about are now neglected. He becomes aggressive and grandiose in his behavior. He may go on to develop violent tendencies and avoid family or friends. He has trouble sleeping and poor nutritional habits. His physical, mental, and financial states crumble around him while he continues with his destructive compulsive behavior. The classic alcohol problems of late stage is when the drinking takes over the entire day. The alcoholic has a drink upon awakening in the morning and continues drinking all day. This is when the alcoholic is at risk of losing his job, family and everything else that was once important to him.

Everything takes a back seat to drinking. At this stage, physical symptoms worsen and he develops tremors and “the shakes” if he goes for very long without drinking. He may also have hallucinations or delirium tremens. This condition can actually be fatal if he cannot get alcohol or medical treatment of some sort. This downward spiral continues until the alcoholic hits rock bottom. Many alcoholics have to hit the bottom before they are willing to seek recovery. With a strong desire to stop drinking, recovery from alcohol is possible.

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