How Can I Be Happy Without Partying?

Question by chocolatechar: How can i be happy without partying?
All my life i have been sort of a loner and not had many friends (at all). I never really left the house because my friends live in the us, and i was a bit bored and depressed all the time.

But last year, my senior year i started going out and partying with some really promiscuos alcoholic “friends”. I had friends and was happy for the first time since i moved out of the us. But my happiness brought dire consequences (family doesn’t really trust me anymore, my sister and best friend became really depressed and some really nasty and untrue rumors were spread about me, not to mention the fact that i failed the year…)

So since the 17 of december I haven’t drunken anything i shouldn’t and ive stopped hanging out with my friends that only think of beer and sex (i can’t relate anymore). but ive gotten really depressed and started compulsively eating, even with an antidepressant i am taking. How can i be happy without resorting to my old ways?
this year i am repeating senior year, which is really stressing me out too because last year everyone there was so dissappointed in me (i used to be the top student in my grade in the public school in a foreign language.)

By the way all the references to being out of the country are because i am from the us but moved to costa rica when i was 13. i am now 17

Best answer:

Answer by LDB449
Find a way to help people. Go to the local nursing home and ask if you can volunteer your time to help out. You will feel much better.

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