Warn Teens About Distracted Driving

Consequences Of Alcoholism in the News

Warn teens about distracted driving
Filed under: consequences of alcoholism

Talk about why they are important to follow, as well as consequences for breaking the rules. Work with your teen to draft and sign a … Nearly 1 million high school teens drank alcohol and got behind the wheel in 2011. Drinking any alcohol greatly …


Police step up holiday patrols for drunk drivers
Filed under: consequences of alcoholism

Consequences for drunk drivers in Louisiana are substantial, and first time offenders face more than $ 1,000 in fines, court costs, attorneys' fees and increased insurance premiums. For those who break the DWI rules a second time, Louisiana law mandates …


In the Wake of Sandy Hook, Who is Responsible For Making Us Safe?
Filed under: consequences of alcoholism

Besides which, the very nature of the act is so irrational as to undermine any likelihood that a rational weighing of the potential consequences of their actions is likely to occur, making the threats associated with deterrence irrelevant. If mental …


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