Final Goodbye: Neil Armstrong, Dick Clark, Whitney Houston Among Those Who

Pictures Of Drugs And Alcohol Abuse in the News

Final goodbye: Neil Armstrong, Dick Clark, Whitney Houston among those who
Filed under: pictures of drugs and alcohol abuse

Nora Ephron poses for a photo at her home in New York in November 2010. Ephron, 71, essayist, author and filmmaker who thrived in the male-dominated worlds of movies and journalism and was loved, respected and feared for her wit died June 26, 2012.


'I was raped by 35 men': Victim speaks out to help others affected by sexual abuse
Filed under: pictures of drugs and alcohol abuse

“I was estranged from my family, I suffered post-traumatic stress from the abuse I had experienced and I was recovering from drug and alcohol abuse and was self-harming. “Attending Killen changed my life and the project workers really supported me.


Is American media too violent?
Filed under: pictures of drugs and alcohol abuse

There are many culprits but especially culpable are alcohol abuse, which often leads to violence; the war on drugs, which make drugs hugely valuable, increasing the violence (though much of the worst violence takes place in Mexico); the return of …


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