Mental Health Official: "There Are Always Warning Signs"

Warning Signs Of Alcohol Abuse in the News

Mental health official: "There are always warning signs"
Filed under: warning signs of alcohol abuse

Ventress wants people to look for indicators like isolation, excessive alcohol and drug abuse, even mood swings. "All these things need to be noted," he says. "The people that are closest to the individual have the best ability to get them to see they …


How To Identify A Mental Illness That Could Turn Violent
Filed under: warning signs of alcohol abuse

… there are warning signs to look out for that could indicate the potential for a violent act, including threats to harm oneself or others, reckless acts like driving dangerously or getting arrested at a young age, abusing animals, and abusing drugs …


High school coaches, ADs becoming social media directors
Filed under: warning signs of alcohol abuse

… on social media. They're trying to curb the abuse without ending its use. … Such warnings have become a staple of high school team meetings and huddles at practice, joining longstanding warnings about alcohol and drug use. With teenagers …


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