What Was Wrong With Edgar Allan Poe?

Question by Kaylie: What was wrong with Edgar Allan Poe?
I think he was an extremely skillful writer, but he also saw death wherever he went. Did he have a disease or something that made him hallucinate?

Best answer:

Answer by Shawna

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Save the date: This week in celebrity wedding anniversaries
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

Lange is strictly a teetotaler, but as a treat, they had non-alcoholic champagne at their wedding. Lange had the song "(Everything I Do) I Do It for … the "Report Abuse" link to notify the moderators. Responding to the comment will only encourage bad …


Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

Emily R. Wolf, 23, 3 Ridgeview Ave., Salem, N.H.; driving while under the influence of alcohol, continued without finding and probation for one year conditioned upon completion of an alcohol safety awareness program, 45-day loss of license, $ 50 VWF …


Pet Pointers: Pets and human food
Filed under: alcoholic behaviors

Large amounts of grapes or raisins can be poisonous to pets and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and renal failure leading to death. Alcoholic beverages are very dangerous to pets. Not only can alcohol cause intoxication that can lead to behavior issues …


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