Foster Children Witness True Christmas Spirit

Statistics About Alcohol Abuse in the News

Foster children witness true Christmas spirit
Filed under: statistics about alcohol abuse

These days so many children come into the system because their parents are abusing drugs and alcohol. "Prescription … These are depressing statistics, but last week Walters chose to focus on two acts of kindness that brought her to tears. Today in …


No easily apparent rationale for mass shootings
Filed under: statistics about alcohol abuse

Meanwhile, in this country, firearms-related homicides last year reached their lowest point in almost 50 years, Statistics Canada reported earlier this month. In the wake … The report, released earlier this year, cited experts who suggested looking …


At home with Liz Broderick
Filed under: statistics about alcohol abuse

But domestic violence and sexual assault statistics remain alarming, the pay gap between men and women has actually increased, and families continue to struggle to find appropriate childcare. ''In the 1960s and '70s, there were very obvious things like …


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