Alcohol Abuse Testing: Mandatory Follow-Up Alcohol Testing Violates Rights of Alcoholic Employees

Alcohol Abuse Testing in the News

Mandatory Follow-Up Alcohol Testing Violates Rights of Alcoholic Employees
Filed under: alcohol abuse testing

A workplace policy requiring all employees who self-identify as in need of substance abuse treatment to submit to random alcohol testing following their return to work constitutes disability discrimination on its face, according to a recent published …


Op-ed: It's time for employers to rethink marijuana, drug-testing policies
Filed under: alcohol abuse testing

Those who consume alcohol legally and responsibly while off the job do not suffer sanctions from their employers unless their work performance is adversely affected. Employers should treat those Washingtonians who consume cannabis legally while … It …


New test to help heavy drinkers reduce alcohol intake
Filed under: alcohol abuse testing

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have developed a computer-based test that could help heavy drinkers reduce their alcohol consumption. Regular heavy drinking can lead to serious health conditions such as liver and heart disease, costing the …


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