Debt Help for Addicts | Alcoholism or Drug Addiction Made You in Debt? | Addicts and Debt

Debt Help For Addicts | Alcoholism Or Drug Addiction Made You In Debt? | Addicts And Debt

We understand only too well the turmoil and anguish not only an addict goes through but for the families and friends concerned.  Addiction is a hard way of life, and many people fail to understand that it is a disease and that some people are simply born with an addictive personality.

We are a debt management company called DebtLine Direct. We help thousands of people a month take control of their finances.  They are from all different walks of life.  It struck me the other day that there is not a lot of help for addicts financially through the system.  Some work, some are on benefits, but most of them are in some kind of debt through this disease.  Be it that they needed loans and credit cards to pay for their addiction, got behind on their mortgage, whatever the financial disaster may be; they struggle.  Our debt management company is different because we can help anyone in debt whether they work or not.  We offer free financial advice and if a client wants to get onto our debt management plan then we help them.  We also offer other debt solutions such as trust deeds, IVAs and bankruptcy.

All it takes is one call for you to back under control of your life. You can consolidate all your existing debts from creditors into one affordable monthly payment.  You then pay a set amount a month until this debt is cleared.  We do all the leg work for you – once we’ve drawn up a plan and you sign the contract, all your debt is passed onto us – we contact the creditors on your behalf and in turn all the letters and phone calls will stop from them.

Take control of your life.

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