Bernalillo County Halts Methadone Drug Treatment Program

Symptoms Of Alcoholics in the News

Bernalillo County Halts Methadone Drug Treatment Program
Filed under: symptoms of alcoholics

Jailers at the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center are defending their decision to cancel the state's only inmate methadone treatment program by the end of the year. They say the … Johnson said alcoholics are not given beer in jail …


Treatment program takes comprehensive approach to help
Filed under: symptoms of alcoholics

During phase one, which usually lasts 30 days, the client has to attend an Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meeting every day, see a counselor once per week, see a probation officer once per week and go before the judge once per week.


Students told how opiates wreck lives
Filed under: symptoms of alcoholics

“My dad here today is eight years clean and my best friend,” she said of her father, who sat in to hear the presentation by Martin, an instructor with the University of Oregon and a recovering alcoholic himself. “It took me a while to forgive myself …


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