Liverpool Local News: 50p Per Unit of Booze Call to Tackle Merseyside’s Alcohol Epidemic

Liverpool Local News: 50p per unit of booze call to tackle Merseyside’s alcohol epidemic
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

ALCOHOL abuse is costing the NHS in Merseyside a massive £145m a year, experts have revealed.


Anonymous #OpCannabis 420

Press release page Dear Citizens of the World For far too long cannabis has been oppressed by big corporations ,big pharma and governments when it could be benefiting all of mankind on many different levels. We have heard and we have watched your government lie and deceive you on all the dangers of cannabis. Show support by making your profile pictures green this April 20th on your social network profiles. OpCannabis phase 1, initiated. We are Anonymous…..Expect us. Attention individual people, governments, companies and fellow Anons! We are Anonymous and we have an important message for you Plato said that it was ok to tell a lie ONLY if it truly benefits all of mankind. Plato called this lie the “noble lie.” For far too long there has been a lie that has been perpetrated but it is neither noble nor does it benefit all of mankind, actually quite the opposite…the cannabis plant is one of the world’s oldest and best medicines that has been known as beneficial for thousands of years! it can replace many medicines and can be made into many different things such as plastics and fuels and paints etc. The bounds of this plant are limitless, we ALL are effected by illness such as cancer, diabetes, Crohn’s disease, chronic pain, mental illness, alcohol abuse and a myriad of other physical and mental disorders. Cannabis had been proven over and over to help or even cure and reverse the effects of these diseases that will affect us all at some


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