Every Touch Is Infectiously Hard to Let Go

Abuse Warning Signs in the News

Every touch is infectiously hard to let go
Filed under: abuse warning signs

Chipman, who serves as a domestic violence detective for the Miami-Dade County Special Victims Unit believes that domestic violence does not always start with physical abuse, but the warning signs are downplayed by the victims due to their feelings of …


Too many children are victims of sexual abuse. It's our duty to protect them
Filed under: abuse warning signs

It includes a list of the warning signs children show if they are being sexually abused. All professionals who work with young people, including the police, health services, youth offending teams and children's social services, must look out for these …


Preventing Financial Abuse of the Elderly
Filed under: abuse warning signs

The guidebook encourages family members to talk with their older relatives, to determine if their finances are being adequately handled and to identify any potential warning signs of problems. Signs of financial abuse might include unauthorized …


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