Alcoholism Disease: Are You Interested in Removing Alcohol From Your Life ? Do You Really Want Too?

Question by Jamus: Are you interested in removing alcohol from your life ? Do you really want too?
I have Read the book by Allen Carr ? The Easyway to stop Drinking , It is amazing ,it has transformed my life I have more energy and feel great . You will learn that there is no such thing as alcoholism?

Best answer:

Answer by marcusquate
I haven’t had a drink in 7 years

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Movie review: Upbeat 'Smashed' presents sobering look at alcoholism
Filed under: alcoholism disease

For married alcoholics who rely on each other's understanding and automatic forgiveness, one spouse's opt-out for the wagon represents a kind of betrayal of the other. … ("It's hard to quit, if you stop and start again, the disease picks up where you …


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Alcohol addiction is a very serious disease


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