Research on Alcoholism: NIH Nixes Idea of Creating a Single Abuse and Addiction Institute

Research On Alcoholism in the News

NIH Nixes Idea of Creating a Single Abuse and Addiction Institute
Filed under: research on alcoholism

… creation of a single institute that would house and fund addiction and substance abuse studies of both drugs and alcohol, saying in response to the SMRB report in 2010 that "the formation of a single, new institute devoted to such research makes …


Predrinking Linked to Heavier Alcohol Consumption
Filed under: research on alcoholism

9 (HealthDay News) — Predrinking, drinking before going out, is linked to heavier alcohol consumption and increased adverse outcomes, according to a study published online Nov. 8 in Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research. Florian Labhart, from …


Into Night

Kolchak tries to figure out the cause of death of two office workers.


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