Drug and Alcohol Abuse Policy: Why Are People So Ignorant When It Comes to Smoking Marijuana?
Question by Aaron: Why are people so ignorant when it comes to smoking marijuana?
I’ve read some questions about marijuana on here and some of the answers are unbelievable!
“It fries your brain cells”
Nowadays when people label things as “drugs” they think
“OMG drugs are horrible” Drugs are horrible, but i don’t think marijuana fits that label.
People who smoke bud are just looking to relax and have a good time. Where is the horror in that?
Agree? Disagree? Please put your own input. :D
Best answer:
Answer by Vintage 181
I just don’t like being around people who are high, even on marijuana. Or people who are drunk. I don’t think it’s a big deal, but they get on my nerves.
But you go ahead, Cheech, and smoke till you’re up in the sky.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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