Retired Footy Players Among the Greatest Risk for Drug Abuse – Herald Sun

Retired footy players among the greatest risk for drug abuse – Herald Sun
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Retired footy players among the greatest risk for drug abuse
Herald Sun
Specialist addiction psychologist Cameron Brown said yesterday the connection between high sensation-seeking athletes and drug and alcohol addicts was brain chemistry. The theory will be discussed at a meeting of Australian psychologists, academics

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Diagnosing Alcohol Use Through A Blood Test – Dr. Willard Freeman – Penn State Hershey “Classification of alcohol abuse by plasma protein biomarkers”: Penn State Hershey researchers, working for two-and-a-half years in cooperation with Kathleen A. Grant, Ph.D., at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, identified a set of 17 proteins in the blood that accurately predicted alcohol usage 90 percent of the time in non-human primates. Researchers were able to separate usage into three catergories: no alcohol use, drinking up to two drinks per day, and drinking at least six drinks per day. Protein levels rose and declined depending on alcohol consumption.


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