Ghetto Blast – Bonus Not Wife-Bashing Licence

Dealing With An Alcoholic Spouse in the News

Ghetto Blast – Bonus Not Wife-Bashing Licence
Filed under: dealing with an alcoholic spouse

column. AFTER spending close to three hours doing chores around his wattle house which now leaned backwards owing to the vagaries of weather, bossy Penzura demanded fresh hot sadza from his expecting wife while puffing a pipe. The instruction was loud …


Living With An Alcoholic Husband Information that will help you cope with living with an alcoholic. These tips are for spouses who’s husband has a drinking problem. Methods of dealing with addicts that work. I cannot tell you how to make your spouse quit drinking. What I can do is help you find peace and serenity while living in the midst of this difficult situation. Here are a three things that will help you understand your situation better 1-You are not the cause of your husband’s alcoholism-It’s not your fault that he drinks. It is his choice to consume alcohol. No matter how much he may try to blame you for his addiction, it is not your fault! 2-You cannot control your husbands drinking problem-Realize that all of the things you have tried to this point have not stopped him from drinking. This is the beginning of learning how to detach from the addiction of alcoholism. You can either learn to let go of this unstoppable train or be dragged. Your spouse is not going to change until he hits an rock hard bottom, therfore you are the one who will have to make changes. :You can either learn how to change your attitude or change your address. Those are really your only two choices at this point and I hope you choose to remain married and change your attitude toward the situation. 3-You cannot cure your husband’s alcoholism-Unfortunately until he is ready to seek out help for himself, there’s little that you can do. Try these three things in order to find more Peace of mind while coping


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