Wife Jokes About Cheating?
Question by David: Wife jokes about cheating?
We’ve been married 10 years, no kids, and this is a new thing with her. She travels for her job and she’s started making jokes about all the sex she gets and she even does it in front of friends. They think it’s hilarious and laugh along with her. I do too because she seems to enjoy making up these stories so much. I didn’t think a lot about it because she’s always had a dark sense of humor, but now she’s doing it in bed too. Would she be offended if I asked her to tone it down a bit and not make so many jokes like that?
Zoom… I’ve been looking at this as a problem with her sense of humor. Now you have me thinking and it’s giving me chills. You seem to know what you’re talking about, so I’m taking you very seriously.
Thanks for the additional input Zoom. It’s nice to have such a knowledgeable response to my question.
Best answer:
Answer by warneal69
Its about as appropriate as HER asking YOU to develop a sense of humor.
Does that make you feel defensive? Yeah, that’s how she’ll feel if you start asking her to change something you could easily tolerate.
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