Anyone Know Some Good Books for Alcoholics, Besides the AA Book?
Question by me: Anyone know some good books for alcoholics, besides the AA book?
I am trying to help my fiance with his drinking problem without butting in too much. I would just like to find a good self-help book that helps with people with addictions. Thanks for all of you who help out!
Best answer:
Answer by HopHead
by: Charles Bamforth
It has really helped with my homebrewing addiction.
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The Other Programs
Filed under: anonymous alcoholic
I've internalized advice like “go to a meeting” or “call another alcoholic” when I'm distressed and it comes pretty naturally to pray for the friend who is ignoring me or to make an awkward phone call to my sponsor even when I don't think I have …
A book list for readers in recovery
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There's something for everyone: copies of “Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book” and the “Narcotics Anonymous” basic text. There's daily inspiration books many like to keep in their car or on their desk, memoirs, family recovery books and even how-to books.
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