Research Suggests That Marijuana Use May Lead to Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia Symptoms in the News

Research Suggests That Marijuana Use May Lead to Schizophrenia
Filed under: schizophrenia symptoms

Research on cannabis use in patients with schizophrenia, a complex mental disorder, have found that it may help alleviate symptoms. But what about people who do not have the condition? A new study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry has …


Therapy, medication key to a schizophrenic patient's life expectancy
Filed under: schizophrenia symptoms

“You rarely need to be on extremely high doses. If people are taking their medications, they usually have fewer symptoms and are able to be more organized in other areas of their lives.” Cullen added that schizophrenic patients taking medications …


Eye test model detects schizophrenia with “exceptional accuracy”
Filed under: schizophrenia symptoms

“We think that these tests may supplement current symptom-based diagnoses,' the authors concluded, adding “eye movement abnormalities … may prove to be valuable potential biological markers of the schizophrenia diathesis”. Chair of Psychiatry at the …


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