The Effects of Alcoholism: Immediate Effects of Mixing Alcohol and Advil?

Question by Dita: Immediate effects of mixing alcohol and Advil?
I had terrible menstrual cramps, so I took advil about 2 hours ago. Can I drink alcohol?

Best answer:

Answer by Jeremy D
From the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

-“Some of these drugs cause stomach bleeding and inhibit blood from clotting; alcohol can exacerbate these effects (30). Older persons who mix alcoholic beverages with large doses of aspirin to self-medicate for pain are therefore at particularly high risk for episodes of gastric bleeding (19). In addition, aspirin may increase the availability of alcohol (31), heightening the effects of a given dose of alcohol.”

TLDR- You may die.

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Women twice as likely to die from alcoholism
Filed under: the effects of alcoholism

Women tend to suffer from the effects of alcoholism more quickly than men, though experts are not sure why. (Shutterstock photo). Women who are alcoholics are five times as likely to die when compared to women who are not alcoholics, and men who suffer …


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