Treatment for Alcoholic: Judge Simms: 'I Am an Alcoholic'
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Judge Simms: 'I am an alcoholic'
Filed under: treatment for alcoholic
As I have learned during my recent stay in treatment, this realization was, in its own way, very illuminating. It deceived me into the belief that alcohol could do wondrous things. Not only could it help me forget, but enough of it could push aside …
Mayo Clinic Study on Alcoholic Hepatitis
A new study from Mayo Clinic finds the use of the drug therapy etanercept ineffective in treating alcoholic hepatitis, an acute inflammation of the liver caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Alcoholic hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Severe alcohol-related liver disease carries a poor prognosis. Several research studies have worked to find a successful treatment for alcoholic hepatitis, but no consensus has been reached on the most effective treatment regimen.
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