Alcohol Abuse: Drug, Alcohol Abuse Costs Alaska’s Economy $1.2 Billion
Drug, Alcohol Abuse Costs Alaska’s Economy .2 Billion
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
A new report finds that alcohol and drug abuse cost Alaska’s economy $ 1.2 billion in 2010. That number includes direct, immediate costs, such as the $ 217.7 million spent on criminal justice and protective services and $ 237.3 million on health care costs. But the report, which was commissioned by the Alaska Mental Health Board and the Advisory Board on Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, says the largest …
Drug and Alcohol Abuse: A Driving Need For Change!
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
By Leo Olivero Panorama readers would know that Alcohol, Drugs and Drink Driving are important social issues I have covered in this newspaper many times over the years.
Common bond between school bullies and their targets: Alcohol abuse
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
A new study finds that both school bullies and their victims are likely to abuse alcohol after a bullying episode.
Coalition forms to prevent drug and alcohol abuse among local kids
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
The Coalition hopes to educate the public and promote a healthy community that is free of drug and alcohol abuse. The program will have a specific focus on the county's youth.
Becoming A Christian – Amazing Story of Overcoming Loneliness, Alcohol and Drugsl!
Overcoming child abuse, Loneliness, Drug abuse and alcohol abuse…. Hannah Clarkson formerly Hannah Snowzell from Hereford shares her story of how and why she became a christian and how Jesus changed her life of ruin into a life of peace, love, joy and hope. For the full story of Hannah’s testimony from her childhood to her life now be sure to read the book “Touching The Cross” available to buy from amazon here The book is full of real people and their testimonies and how each has asked Jesus into their heart, and found fulfilment in the midst of pain and suffering. inspire title by “why i hate religion, but love Jesus” Music is credited to “American Beauty: Original Motion Picture Score [Soundtrack]”
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