Smoking Prevention for Canadian Youth (Pecha-Kucha Presentation)

Smoking Prevention for Canadian Youth (Pecha-Kucha presentation)

A social marketing campaign aimed at preventing Canadian youth from smoking by Term 9 Langara College nursing students. For further information about smoking prevention please visit these sites: Music is royalty free and obtained from: (Magic Ghost) (Essence)


The Ups and Downs of Teen Substance Abuse In East Lyme, Old Lyme, and Lyme
Filed under: youth and alcohol abuse

That's still lower than regional and national averages which are 6.1 percent and 7.2 percent respectively, but the latest data is very troubling to East Lyme Youth Services Director Sarah Butterfield, chair of the town's Alcohol and Substance Abuse …


Teen alcohol, substance abuse discussed at Oak Park forum
Filed under: youth and alcohol abuse

OAK PARK — Teen alcohol and drug use were the topics of a forum Wednesday hosted by the group Parents and Community Together to Reduce Youth Drug and Alcohol Use. IMP.A.C.T chairwoman Kristine Raino-Ogden moderated. Local ordinance …


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