Physical Effects of Alcoholism: DUI Simulator Event Shows Effects of Alcohol

Physical Effects Of Alcoholism in the News

DUI Simulator event shows effects of alcohol
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DUI Simulator event shows effects of alcohol. Story · Comments · Image (8). Print: Create a hardcopy of this page; Font Size: Default font size: Larger font size. Previous Next. Reality Education for Drivers 2. Rustin Rogers …


Physical Effects Of Alcoholism

There are several things that happen including damage to the liver, pancreas and brain. Because of direct effects of alcohol on the brain and due to vitamin deficiency that occur, these cause problems down the road with liver cirrhosis, problems with pancreatitis, chronic alcoholics. With brain damage where there can be difficulty with walking called ataxia because of the effects of alcohol. And also some of the vitamin deficiencies due to alcoholism. Music by


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