Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol Abuse Rife, Survey Says

Alcohol abuse rife, survey says
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

A senior Geraldton police officer and health official have backed a national survey which paints a disturbing picture of alcohol abuse on Australian households.


Alcohol abuse may influence onset of diabetes
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

I’m 28, but if I ever considered diabetes and my risk of developing the disease, I only thoug


Recovery Celebration held for National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Drug and alcohol abuse plagues people all across America, but an event in Wilmington focused on those who've been able to overcome their addictions. A recovery celebration was held in honor of National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month. Experts say the number of people in need of help in North Carolina is staggering.


Doctors Reminded to Screen for Alcohol Problems
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The United States Preventive Services Task Force reaffirmed a recommendation intended to direct patients with risky drinking behaviors into counseling.


gastric bypass day 6 & 7 alcohol abuse

what’s happened this weekend.


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