Panel Reminds Doctors to Screen for Alcohol Misuse – New York Times
Panel Reminds Doctors to Screen for Alcohol Misuse – New York Times
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Panel Reminds Doctors to Screen for Alcohol Misuse
New York Times About a third of Americans misuse alcohol, though far fewer are addicted, according to the panel, the United States Preventive Services Task Force. The misuse results in an estimated 85,000 deaths a year, making illness related to alcohol abuse the … Doctors Should Screen Adults for Alcohol Misuse, U.S. Panel Says |
Brief counseling may curb problem drinking – CNN
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Brief counseling may curb problem drinking
CNN According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, men who consume more than four drinks in a single day (or 14 per week) and women who consume more than three in a day (or seven per week) run the risk of experiencing alcohol-related … Screen all adults for alcohol misuse: task force |
Local servers may be required to undergo new alcohol certification – UM Maneater
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Local servers may be required to undergo new alcohol certification
UM Maneater Columbia's Substance Abuse Advisory Commission is proposing a new ordinance that would require all persons serving alcohol to obtain a server certificate. The Columbia City Council will receive this proposal at a public hearing 7 p.m. Thursday at the … |
Cherbourg Mayor calls to lift racist alcohol bans – ABC Online
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse
Cherbourg Mayor calls to lift racist alcohol bans
ABC Online Councillor Bone says there were some problems with alcohol prior to their introduction, but he says alcohol is a problem everywhere. "Is there a problem with alcohol in Brisbane?" he said. "Is there a problem with alcohol in the Sunshine Coast, Gold … |
Xanax Addiction and Abuse – Xanax Addiction and Abuse – Call our Toll-Free Recovery Hotline at 1-800-839-1682 and discover the best treatment options for you. We believe in a multi-disciplinary approach to substance addiction, treating our client’s emotional, physiological and spiritual needs. Our team helps address underlying issues in addition to drug and alcohol abuse. We also work with families, tailoring our holistic drug treatment program to our client’s specific situation.
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