FDA Approved Vivitrol – Drug/Alcohol Treatment – CNN Report w/Dr. Sanjay Gupta

FDA Approved Vivitrol – Drug/Alcohol Treatment – CNN Report w/Dr. Sanjay Gupta

Vivitrol: Monthly shot provides new option for alcoholism treatment From MayoClinic.com Special to CNN.com What happened? A new treatment for alcoholism gives alcoholics another way to cope with the disease. Vivitrol, a version of the drug naltrexone, is the first injectable drug to treat alcohol dependence. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Vivitrol for alcoholics in counseling who haven’t had a drink for at least a week. A similar medication has been available in pill form for some time, but the injectable version of the drug may be easier for people recovering from alcohol dependence to use consistently.


Event brings awareness to prescription drug abuse
Filed under: medication for alcoholism

That's why the Central Nebraska Council on Alcoholism and Addiction asked Matson to speak in Grand Island on Monday. chuck-"education is so vitally important because education is knowledge and knowledge is power." Prescription and over the counter …


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