Depression Alcohol Abuse: Study Unveils 'hidden' Alcohol Abuse Among Older People
Depression Alcohol Abuse in the News
Study unveils 'hidden' alcohol abuse among older people
Filed under: depression alcohol abuse
… Age UK and South of Tyne and Wear PCT, have been assessing the extent of alcohol abuse among the older generation in the region which often results from big changes such as retirement, bereavement, feelings of boredom, loneliness and depression.
Europe Facing Mental Health "Catastrophe" as Crisis Worsens
Filed under: depression alcohol abuse
The doctors surveyed relayed an increase in the incidence of alcohol abuse, anxiety, depression and requests for abortions due to economic reasons, anecdotal evidence borne out by statistics for anti-depressant requests in the U.K., which have risen 28 …
Trescothick hails depression initiative
Filed under: depression alcohol abuse
They cover subjects including alcohol and drug abuse, gambling, plus anxiety and suicide, and offering advice to members on how and where to seek help. The tutorials are mainly presented by Trescothick, who has suffered from depression and anxiety …
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