Q&A: Should I Talk to My Doctor??

Question by Tori M.: Should i talk to my doctor??
Ive been acting REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY wierd lately and evryones like whats wrong iwht you and so i started looking into these “symptoms” andddd it came up with most of my symptoms being warning signs of schizophrenia….

Social withdrawal
Hostility or suspiciousness
Flat, expressionless gaze
Inability to cry or express joy
Inappropriate laughter or crying
Oversleeping or insomnia
Odd or irrational statements
Forgetful; unable to concentrate
Extreme reaction to criticism
Strange use of words or way of speaking

and i do all of those things like when i get bored ill just sit there and think about how i would kill someone and get away with it and things that are really scaring me like that

please do not judge me becasue of this…my life has not been served to me on a silver platter
i just neeed to know because my sister, my dad [even though he wont admit it], and my grandfathr all have multiple personality disorders..
anything to hellp me???
i do not do drugs or drink alcohol

Best answer:

Answer by ashley_disaster2012
Do you take drugs? That is a serious question… If not, seek mental medical attention! Keep away from the medication though. I think they use people like me and you as lab rats!

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