Family Members of Alcoholics: For Alchoholic Abuse, Do Interventions Work for Everyone?
Question by : For Alchoholic Abuse, Do Interventions Work for Everyone?
My family is considering doing an intervention for my uncle who’s an alcoholic.
Do you think it’s going to be a good idea to have my uncle come home from the bar to find his home filled with ex or recovering alcoholics “for a chat”.
I have heard interventions work wonders for people, but then I have also heard where the intervention caused permanent friction within the family with the alcoholic not liking the feeling of “being ambushed” and not trusting the family members ever again.
Best answer:
Answer by Ginny Jin
no he needs to be ready plus if he opens up and admits he has a problem it can cause huge issues. Some family members you’d think might support don’t – a ‘flakey’ intervention is almost worse than doing nothing.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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AFG, Inc. is now on LinkedIn, making it easier for professionals to receive updates that may help their patients and clients who are struggling with an alcoholic family member or friend. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Google+ Share on …
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According to the New York-based General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous, the organization today numbers more than 2 million members worldwide, with about 1.3 million in the U.S., which is home to 57,905 self-supporting AA groups. As a General …
How To Deal With Alcoholics: Three Proven Strategies that work! These three proven strategies will work. We know how to deal with alcoholism. First, you cannot control an alcoholic. Whatever you have tried to this point surely hasn’t worked. That’s why we think it is vitally important for you to get involved in a support group meeting in order to learn from the wisdom of others who know how to cope with alcoholism in a family member or friend. The final proven method that will help you in you situation with the alcohol addicted person in your life is start doing a few fun things in life. Make a list of the things you like in life and just pick one. The sooner you can get your eyes off of everything the alcoholic is doing the more serenity you will have in your life. These strategies will make a world of difference if you heed to our advice. We’ve been helping family members of alcoholics for years. Our resources have helped thousands all over the world and will help you to. Just go to http and start your free course on how to deal with a addict or alcoholic. In review of the methods: 1-Stop trying to make the alcoholic quit drinking 2-Get involved in a support group such as Al-anon 3-Make a list of fun things to do and do one, preferably today
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