Recovering Priest Recalls His First Drink and Early Drinking Habits

Recovering Priest recalls his first drink and early drinking habits

In this video a Catholic Priest with extensive Behavioral Health professional training talks about his very first drink as a young man, his early alcohol use, alcohol abuse and progression into full blown alcoholism. This priest found his sobriety at Guest House Inc. and has been in recovery from alcoholism for many years. Now a long term clean and sober priest, his diocese counts on his expertise to help with interventions for alcoholic or addicted priests to get them into early and effective treatment and supportive 12 step aftercare.


Man sentenced to 2 years in jail has months to live
Filed under: stages of alcoholism

His family says he's battled alcoholism for decades. What they do dispute is the judge's view that Garcia is still a threat. Doctors say he is in the final stages of cirrhosis of the liver and only has a few months left to live. In May, Garcia was …


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