Alcohol Abuse: A First: Figures Reveal Regional Breakdowns of Cost of Alcohol Abuse – for Argyll

A first: figures reveal regional breakdowns of cost of alcohol abuse – For Argyll
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

For Argyll

A first: figures reveal regional breakdowns of cost of alcohol abuse
For Argyll
For the first time ever, Alcohol Focus Scotland has produced a regional breakdown of figures revealing which parts of Scotland have to spend more in countering alcohol abuse. In the Highlands, the cost of alcohol-related harm was £84.85 million in 2010
Bulgaria Objects to Scottish Plans to Ban Cheap

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Focus on Party Hosts – Inside Higher Ed
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Inside Higher Ed

Focus on Party Hosts
Inside Higher Ed
The recent drinking-related death of a freshman at California State University at Fresno should alert college administrators, students, and parents to the seriousness of student alcohol abuse as it occurs in and around campus settings. This unnecessary



Brent Shapiro Foundation Raises 0000 To Battle Addiction – Hollywood Reporter
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Hollywood Reporter

Brent Shapiro Foundation Raises $ 500000 To Battle Addiction
Hollywood Reporter
Kids will be encouraged to attend Brent's Club after school, where they will play while learning about the dangers of alcohol, illegal drugs and other things that lead to addiction, or as the group calls it “brain diseases.” Teens who stay clean and



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