Symptoms of Drinking: Could I Be Pregnant? Are These Early Pregnancy Symptoms?
Question by : Could I be pregnant? Are these early pregnancy symptoms?
Hi I have been having unprotected sex with my boyfriend and for the past two months, I’ve been extremely paranoid about being pregnant.
I’m 27 years old, never married, no kids, never been pregnant before, not trying to conceive, and unsure at best how I would feel about being pregnant.
Hopefully you guys can tell me if I’ve been having early pregnancy symptoms or if it’s all in my head.
I thought I was preggo in November, because according to some fertility calendar online, we had sex a lot during the week of Thanksgiving, during my optimal ovulation time.
Then I had random cramping, a severe stuffy/runny nose/bad sore throat that lasted a few days and came out of nowhere, and my period was 2 days late. It came December 16th, instead of December 14th.
Oh, and I had been peeing a lot, and waking up every night to pee several times, and then I had 2 very vivid dreams that I was pregnant. I took a digital E.P.T. test and it was a “not pregnant.”
So, then onto December 2010. I have normal 28 day cycles, mine began 12/16. We had sex quite a few times during my peak ovulation time (12/24-12/31) I lost track—it was the holidays!!!!
It is 1/2/11 and I am officially in my two week wait.
—random cramping in my uterus
—lower backache
—frequent urination
—heartburn! (extremely unusual. On New Years’ Eve, it was all day!)
—waves of nausea (I was hungover 12/26, but my stomach has remained queasy since)
—super heightened smell
—random sharp pain in right breast (I never get sore boobs or breast pain)
—really gassy. Sorry TMI.
—some fatigue
—a minor nosebleed today (extremely unusual)
—constipation (and I’m usually very regular)
—just feel “pregnant”–it’s like a bloated feeling
—ravenous hunger (before when I don’t eat, I get fatigued. Now it’s like gnawing hunger pain)
—strong aversion to alcohol
I made myself a Bloody Mary yesterday and I had a strong aversion to it. Like i tried to take a sip, and I swear to God, it was like my stomach was fluttering as if to say, “Don’t drink!” I tried to sip my drink twice and I couldn’t! I know that could be psychological, but it was really weird.
Are any of these possible signs of pregnancy or am I just obsessive and paranoid?
From all the research I’ve done on the internet, it’s wayyyyyy to early to take a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor (unless I got pregnant in November), but I also know a lot of women have symptoms even before a missed period.
I also know some women get their periods while pregnant, so getting mine late in December could still mean I am pregnant? I spoke to my my mom and she said she always had irregular periods, and didn’t know she was pregnant with me because she was still bleeding. My next period is expected 1/13 or 1/14.
Sorry I wrote a novel!
Help/advice would be appreciated! Are these preggo signs? Thanks!
Thanks for your advice. I do know quite a bit about sex ed, as does my 45 year old boyfriend who hates condoms as much as I’m against birth control. I was trying to do the calendar method, but he travels so much for work that when he’s in town, we get busy! If I am pregnant, I’m sure it would be a happy event for us both (we’re not dumb teenagers, and we’re financially secure, even if we weren’t planning to become parents). To all those TTC, blowing baby dust your way!
Best answer:
Answer by GBmac
Sorry but yeah they are. You know, if you didn’t want to get pregnant, you shouldn’t have had a month of unprotected sex.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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