How Can I Help an Alcoholic: How Can You Convience a Drunk My papa.please Help Me!!!?

Question by : How can you convience a drunk my papa.please help me!!!?
My papa is 67 and a severe alcoholic. We’ve tried arguing and by “we” i mean my family and its pulling
everyone app art. they say it seems he listens to me. the 14 year old granddaughter of his my mom”his daughter” his son in law “my daddy” and my nana “his wife” but it’s not working. is there anything i could do to actually change his mind cause i have before but i was only like 10 my mom and dad have told him multiple that they’re gonna separate the family and us move. cause it’s bad on my mom and dads love life, my teenage life and every ones attitude. And everyone just steers clear of him and I miss having get together and Easter and other holidays this Christmas my family even said we may not have it and it makes me cry cause that’s like the only time myself and my family really get together. please answer my question in a Professional form I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR OR SEE”YOU CANNOT CHANGE AN ALCOHOLIC” cause there is hope in him [aese commment

Best answer:

Answer by GOM
I am sodden to hear about your father. You can keep up the support and never give up. Don’t blame him just love him and let him feel that. Sometimes have that logic talk about the fact that he does drink too much, make it clear he can’t deny that much. With enough support he some day my admit to himself that he needs to stop and maybe get help.

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Why I Support Managed Alcohol Programs

I have to start this post by first asking you all to keep an open mind. I understand often the harm reduction model is not easy to accept. I, myself, do not believe I would have found sobriety in such a program, but I was lucky. By the time I hit the streets I had gone through a detox. Some people are not so lucky and drugs and alcohol have complete control over them. Trying to help a homeless friend in Los Angeles is what changed my mind, and why I requested to visit such a facility. My friend has been homeless since his mother died. After years of trying to drinking his pain away there is not much of my friend left. Alcohol has completely taken over his life. His liver is damaged so much there are sores on his leg. The sores are so bad he cannot wear pants. He ties bandannas around his leg so the sores are not visible. Any normal person would have stopped drinking. But my homeless friend cannot stop on his own. He will die homeless because Los Angeles has yet to adopt the harm reduction model. Any absence based program WILL NOT WORK for my friend. It breaks my heart! This week I visited an a managed alcohol program in Ottawa, Canada. The Oaks Residence is a unique partnership between the Shepherds of Good Hope, Inner City Health and Canadian Mental Health Association. Residents are given an hourly “dose” of alcohol in a clean and safe supervised environment. At first I was a little shocked walking in. All the residents were carrying cups, which I knew were filled with


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