Alcohol Abuse: Nacada Says Rift Valley Leads in Alcohol Abuse – the Star

Nacada says Rift Valley leads in alcohol abuse – The Star
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Nacada says Rift Valley leads in alcohol abuse
The Star
A survey by the National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Authority shows that Rift Valley province leads in the manufacture, trafficking and abuse of illicit brews especially chang'aa and busaa. Nacada CEO William Okedi says the high consumption of illicit



Clubs to tackle booze abuse – The West Australian
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

The West Australian

Clubs to tackle booze abuse
The West Australian
Sporting clubs in WA have a culture of alcohol abuse and drink-driving among their members which must change, leading health experts warned yesterday. Healthway chairwoman Rosanna Capolingua and McCusker Centre for Action on Alcohol and Youth



OJJDP Highlights Neurological, Economic Consequences of Underage Drinking – Youth Today
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

OJJDP Highlights Neurological, Economic Consequences of Underage Drinking
Youth Today
Effects and Consequences of Underage Drinking, a bulletin released by the OJJDP earlier this month, is a literature review compiling various findings regarding the social, developmental and economic influence of teenage alcohol consumption. In

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Teen Alcohol Abuse – Step Out of Apathy

Created for a project called “Step Out of Apathy”, this short documentary displays the effects of alcohol abuse through statistics, testimony, and recreations of tragic events. Stay sober. Stay alive.


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