Alcoholism: 'Alcohol Doctor' Claims He Did Not Threaten Clients
'Alcohol doctor' claims he did not threaten clients
Filed under: Alcoholism
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Dan Carzoli knows what it's like to be an addict. And he remembers all too well what it's like to be desperate for help. But even he is amazed that so many addicts were taken in by the promises of an online business based in Jacksonville.
Bob D. – AA Speakers – Recovery – Part 1 (Unmanagable life, Steps 2 and 3)
Someone you know or love struggling with alcoholism or addiction? Friends, family, co-workers, HELP is out there! ———————————————————————- Stop on in and see us! Blessings! :) 12 Step books, DVDs, gifts, and more! Buy a Big Book from your local homegroup if you can, they usually cost about 9 dollars or so. If you can’t, you can get one (link above, from Amazon for as low as 20 cents) :) * AA Books * 12 Step Buddhist Books * Jewish Recovery Books * Christian Recovery Books * AA History Books * Daily Reflections and Meditation Books In this tape Bob D. from Las Vegas, Nevada gives a WONDERFUL talk! Make sure to see Part 2 here! – – Part 2 (AA failures, low recovery rates, suicides, surrender, Step 3) AA Official Website: Namaste Odomtology Book Explosion Recovery Books HQ :)
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