The College Parent: Learning to Let Go

Coping With An Alcoholic Parent in the News

The college parent: Learning to let go
Filed under: coping with an alcoholic parent

It's been a few weeks since parents dropped their recent high graduates off at college and, like a New Year's Resolution that falters in February, the resolve to “let go” may be wearing off. (Gene J. Puskar – AP). The evening quiet might … “Most …


Coping with university: Don't worry, they'll have lots of support
Filed under: coping with an alcoholic parent

Before parents get too concerned, they should remember that most drug and alcohol use doesn't cause any problems, says Family Lives' Suzie Hayman. "The idea of experimentation might be uncomfortable for parents, but in the main it is not fatal [for …


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Filed under: coping with an alcoholic parent

In a letter to Boston Cardinal Bernard F. Law in 2002,Cardinal Joseph A. Ratzinger — then head of the Vatican office dealing with sexual abuse, and now the pope — recommended Foley be given that opportunity. But testimony in Foley's canonical trial …


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