How to Get Over a Hangover Faster – a Few Tips

Drinking alcoholic beverages is a very popular activity for many people during social and leisure activities. There are times however when you may have a little bit more to drink than you mean to. This is fun while it lasts, but the next day you will be feeling the consequences with a hangover. This article provides a few tips to help you get over a hangover a little faster.

1. Drink Water

This may sound obvious, but one of the best ways to get over a hangover faster is to drink as much water as you can. Water moves through your digestive system very quickly and will help to dilute the alcohol in your system. The next time that you drink alcohol, try to remember to match every alcoholic beverage with a glass of water. This will allow you to have a good time, but will greatly reduce the chances of having a bad hangover. If you already have a hangover and want to get over it faster, try to drink as much water as you’re comfortable with.

2. Eat Bread

Even though many people say that there are no foods that will help you get over a hangover faster, many others swear by bread. Eating bread while you have a hangover is often cited as a way to overcome it quicker. This may be because the bread will reach your stomach and absorb some of the alcohol instead of allowing it to absorb into your body. Most people find that eating a few hot dog buns may help them cure their hangover symptoms.

3. Sleep

Out of all of the ways to cure a hangover, the most effective by far is sleep. Try to get as much sleep as you can and just let the alcohol work through your system. However, this method unfortunately takes a lot of time and is often not very practical in all cases.

4. Don’t Drink If You Have Plans The Next Day

If you drink with the intention of becoming intoxicated, the trick is to do it when you have nothing planned the next day. A hangover can completely ruin any plans you have made, so take that into consideration when you drink.

Ric Hite writes articles on a number of other topics including dog training books and therapy dog training.

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However, Alcohol use exacerbates these symptoms to the point where the drug can have physically and psychologically detrimental effects. The study is published online on Sept. 2, 2012 by the journal Nature Neuroscience. You have already subscribed.


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