CLP Wants Alcoholic Offender Prison Farms

10 Signs You Are An Alcoholic in the News

CLP wants alcoholic offender prison farms
Filed under: 10 signs you are an alcoholic

CLP wants alcoholic offender prison farms. By Suzanne Smith, ABC Updated August 22, 2012, 10:54 am. The NT s Country Liberal Party … "Under our program, if you get picked up three times in six months you will be put before a tribunal," Opposition …


IU Health & Wellness: West Nile virus, tailgating and school transitions
Filed under: 10 signs you are an alcoholic

"There might be an alcohol- and smoke-free area of your college's football parking areas where you won't have to explain the worst displays of underage drinking behavior, including public intoxication and elimination, vomiting, fighting, sexual …


Country Liberal alcohol policy attacked as dangerous
Filed under: 10 signs you are an alcoholic

JOHN BOFFA: There's good early signs, you wouldn't want to get rid of that at the moment. The photo ID system, people have got used to it. It helps with underage people not being able to purchase alcohol. It takes away all the guesswork at the sale end …


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