Do I Have Asthma? or Could It Be Another Cause?

Question by ~Miss_Rani~: Do I have asthma? Or could it be another cause?
I KNOW THIS IS LONG, but before commenting, PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS, and ESPECIALLY the last note at the bottom for people who might criticize me for asking on yahoo answers about my health. Please PLEASE answear, i’m scared!! :(

I am willing to add additional details if needed!! :)

So I woud just like to say that all of my “symptoms” only showed up around this school year (2010-11).

I have had NO history as a child or really even in middle school (I was in cross-country in 8th grade) of these symptoms but since this year I’ve noticed a change in my post-exercise body behavior. When I was in tennis this year and we had to run, sometimes I would feel my throat closing up a LITTLE bit but I would stop for a little time and get back to running and nothing was too severe and could easily run 2 miles. Yesterday when I was running on the treadmill, I felt I was “out of shape” although i’m not particularly obese or anything, just wanted to “tone up” so I decided to run on the treadmill at a set speed, which was sort of like sprinting I guess for me. Within ten minutes, my throat was closing up and I could almost not breath at all. I thought I was just dehydrated so I went to get water but it didn’t help that much and I was basically gasping for air. I tried to take deep breaths but I couldn’t. I just sat down and was in a very strange state, VERY DIZZY, and sort of passed out, but only for a few minutes.

I’ve looked up symptoms and I don’t have coughing, weezing, JUST the tightning of my throat, so I guess that counts for shortness of breath. But, I don’t know if it’s just me being out of shape BECAUSE when I was younger, we had to do a healthy activity throughout the school year but since I entered highschool, I haven’t really worked out too heavily only until tennis season came. So I might have just exerted myself more than what I’m used to I guess. But really, I haven’t worked out all year. But i used to when I was younger and had no problem.

Also, I don’t drink a lot of water ( I know i should more often) and was thinking it could be due to dehyration but i’m not sure.

So, like i said, i have had NO history, even in my family (that I know of), only shortness of breath/tighting of throat and dizziness, and I did exert myself more than usual, so could this potentially be asthma? Just dehydration? Or me out of shape? AND if you suspect any of these causes, could you possibly give me tips how to improve my habits? Thanks:)

LAST NOTE: I know the best person to ask is a doctor and asking people on YahooAnswers isn’t the best idea for my health, but I just wanted an idea or know what to expect I guess before I go. I am aware that the only SAFE, EXACT, and ACCURATE answer will be if I meet with a doctor already. :)

Like i said, i’m scared, so please don’t be rude :)

Best answer:

Answer by Lolita
Save yourself the trouble of worrying and see a doctor

Add your own answer in the comments!

Dehydration Leaves No Lasting Effect On Leonard Hankerson
Filed under: dehydration symptoms

Another receiver, Joshua Morgan, was escorted into the facility by athletic trainers at the end of practice with similar symptoms. Both are expected to return to practice Wednesday. By Zac Boyer on August 15th, 2012 12:46 pm. Tags: 2012 Preseason …


Symptoms of lack of sleep and severe dehydration.

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