Disease of Alcoholism: Is John Boehner an Alcoholic?

Question by : Is John Boehner an alcoholic?
Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner gave an impassioned speech dismissing as false persistent rumors that he is a secret alcoholic. “I have an illness that precisely mimics the effects of alcoholism,” said the Republican “From the reddish skin, to the gaunt appearance, to the slurred speech, to the glazed and unfocused eyes – this rare illness makes innocent sufferers appear that they are alcoholics when in fact they are not.

Boehner declined to elaborate on any precise details with regards to this “rare illness” but explained that “the disease even produces bacteria in the mouth that produce a strong alcohol-like smell that scientists say resembles the odor of something known as ‘Jack Daniels’.”

After many attempts to find Boehners illness using internet searches, nothing comes up. If you find out what it is, pleas answer.

Best answer:

Answer by NoYouCant
yes, give me my 10

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