Who Pays the Price? “the One With the Alcohol Poisoning”

Who Pays the Price? “The One With The Alcohol Poisoning”

Following drinking games, a house party goes badly wrong with a case of alcohol poisoning, but who pays the price? For more information on the project or for re-use please contact Safer Stronger on 01229 876475 Produced by www.workshop-media.co.uk


Potential new drug for alcohol dependence
Filed under: symptoms for alcohol

The drug candidate OSU6162 has been studied for the treatment of alcohol dependence by researchers at Karolinska Institutet and the University of Gothenburg based on the knowledge of how the brain's reward system works to encourage us to behave in …


`Global health charge` on alcohol and tobacco could cover HIV drug costs in 10
Filed under: symptoms for alcohol

A modest increase in taxes on alcohol and tobacco in countries seriously affected by HIV and TB could generate enough income to cover the costs of antiretroviral treatment, TB treatment and malaria treatment and prevention, as well as reducing the …


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