Alcohol Abuse: Addiction Charity's Warning Over Alcohol

Addiction charity's warning over alcohol
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

ADDICTION charity Swanswell is calling for the dangers of alcohol abuse to be highlighted at large-scale sporting events such as the Olympics.


Substance Use Disorder Experts Expect to See Rise in Abuse After Aurora Shootings
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Substance abuse treatment centers say they expect to see increased drug and alcohol abuse in the wake of the shootings in Aurora, Colorado, according to The Denver Post.


Govt needs to pass Alcohol Reform Bill
Filed under: Alcohol Abuse

Auckland Council has taken further steps to deliver better local alcohol policies and is calling for the government to get on with passing the Alcohol Reform Bill so the community can have a greater say over efforts to address alcohol abuse.


Ladies – Would You Kiss a “Frog” to Find Your Prince Charming?

Do you believe in fairy tales? Is it truly possible to find your Prince amidst a slew of “frogs”? Everywhere we turn there are guys with baby mama drama, commitment issues, financial problems, and more but we place such a high value on appearance that we probably overlook the guys who are free from those issues. Y’all are quick to say that “good men are hard to find” but are they really? What if a “frog” tried to holla? Could you overlook his flaws to find out his positive qualities? Would you kiss a “frog” to find your PRINCE? If any of your answers are yes… I may have found your future husband! (WARNING: close this video now if you are easily offended)… Where my single ladies at? Meet Lauw Tjoan Eng, 51, from Sawah Besar, Indonesia. Eng is the victim of a rare skin condition which has nearly disfigured his entire body with benign tumors. Eng has suffered from a rare hereditary disease since an early age, which has caused large disfigured lumps to appear on all areas of his body, including his face. Eng has spent his entire 51 years along but hopes to one day find the woman of his dreams, who could accept his condition. He’s never even had his first kiss! It makes me frustrated just looking in the mirror — my reflection is horrible and I try to avoid it whenever possible. I live on my own and my sisters live quite far away from me so I feel really lonely. I don’t have a job because nobody will employ me so my sisters send me money to survive. When I go out during


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