Learn a Few Basics Before You Choose a DUI or DWI Lawyer
Across the USA, the most common crime booked in a year, by far, is DUI. Driving while intoxicated is no minor matter. A person can get anything from a warning to jail time. DUI can start as a misdemeanor and escalate into a felonious crime by degree; however, no matter what degree of culpability you face, DUI can turn your world upside-down.
Nearly 1.4 million drivers are arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs every year. While this is a serious charge, if you are arrested for a DUI you have rights that you need to protect. DUI comes under criminal law. Besides hefty fines, alcohol programs and community service, you might also get a serious punishment like jail term. Taking the right steps after DUI arrest, is the only way to get out of trouble.
All about DUI Laws:
The DUI laws have a commonality in the following areas. DUI starts under between .08 to .10 blood alcohol levels, and then kicks into DUI at between .08 to .10 blood alcohol levels. These levels are doubly indemnifying for all drivers in the US less than 21 years of age. Depending on the state, a person may have their driver’s license suspended any length of time from seven days to three years. Fines for DUI across the country range from $ 250.00 to $ 2500.00.
The punishment depends on factors like:
State where you were arrested
If you refused to take a BAC level test
What was your BAC level
If this is the first time you have been caught
If there were children with you in the vehicle or in the vicinity
If you were caught speeding
If there was any accident, damage or injury involved
According to DUI laws, the legal consequences of the offense can be:
License revocation or suspension: This punishment is regardless of the criminal charges you might face under DUI laws. In 41 states and District of Columbia there are administrative license suspension laws. Under these laws, if the driver fails or refuses to take a chemical test, his license is taken away before conviction.
Ignition interlocks: Some states allow offenders to drive only if their vehicles are equipped with ignition interlocks. This gadget looks for traces of alcohol in driver’s breath and upon confirmation, it shuts down the ignition.
Vehicle seizure: In some states, drunk driving may entail seizure of the vehicle.
Fines: They vary from state to state. Fines can be anywhere between $ 200 to $ 2000 and onwards.
Jail: Repeat offenders are more at risk of inviting a jail term. But that does not mean that a first timer is safe from it as a lot depends on how serious his cases is.
Other punishments include mandatory attendance at alcohol education programs and community service.
If you are arrested for DUI, then hiring a DUI lawyer proves to be the best decision. Driving under the influence can have serious consequences on you if you are involved in a car accident. You may face consequences like jail or prison, penalties or fines, vehicle impoundments, etc. The DUI lawyer is familiar with the intricacies and procedures involved with DUI charges and are your best bet if you find yourself in such a predicament.
Andy Taylor runs websites on “DUI Lawyer”. DUI Lawyer Guides provides free information on DUI related issues please check [http://www.dui-lawyer-guides.com]
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